Millie! The Last Chapters

Our daily routine, along with those of families across the globe has changed one-hundred-fold since Covid. Sadly, that change also included the passing of Millie.

The original ‘Millie’ book chronicled her life with Ro and myself between 2004 and 2020. Her story, first told in the book Millie!A LoveStory, began one evening when Roseanne took a subway trip to the gym. That night turned out to be the beginning of sixteen years filled with unimaginable happiness and joy.

We do not have to be reminded that life is not fair. Millie! The Last Chapters is the c omplete story of Millie, her joys, and the unconditional love and happiness she brought to everyone fortunate enough to meet her. The new book also includes many candid photos of Millie along with quotes from her blog. The last chapters retell her final days.

– Louis David Lavalle


The Music Journal: Music for Music Lovers


Millie! A Love Storey