The Music Journal: Music for Music Lovers

Music moves us. In any number of directions, pushing and and shoving its way into our psyche, almost beyond our control. The feeling it leaves is determined by the lyrics and the melody, and our mental state. Some melodies seem to wash over the soul, transforming us to a different state, albeit one that leaves us happier, or sadder, or reflective.

If you ask twenty different people what is the best song of all time, you’re probably going to get twenty different answers. The best song of all time is the song that strikes a sensory chord, that connects us most accurately with our feelings, that transports us to another place––happy or sad. Where were you when you first heard it? How old were you? Who was with you? Were you in the midst of a break-up or finding new love? Does it remind you of someone in particular? Are you still with that person? Music is a powerful mover, it’s timeless.

Many songwriters will agree tumultuous times spawn great creativity. A look back at the catalog of some of the well-known songwriters proves the point. Heartbreak, loss, change, even huge success, often trigger a burst of heartfelt writing.

The Music Journal is designed to be your home base for keeping notes, recording events–music or otherwise–encouraging you to stay connected with yourself and your music. The music theme is evident on every page of the journal.

How’s your memory on music-related history and topics? You can test it by participating in the music quizzes on every other page. Most pages are wide-ruled with thin, well-spaced rules to make reading and writing is easy. You can plan a game around the quizzes and answers, but regardless you may learn more than you now know! The Music Journal is challenging and fun and, of course, the answers are at the back of the journal.

Luckily, for music writers The Music Journal includes 6 spreads (12 pages) of blank sheet music worksheets at the center of the journal so creative artists can jot down creations when the moment strikes.

All in all, The Music Journal is the ideal book for learning new facts, having fun answering quiz questions and now offering sheet music pages for music writers.




Millie! The Last Chapters